About Ramcharitmanas, Gita, Ramayan, Tulsidas, Bhakti, Gyan, Mukti, and other aspects of the Sanatan Dharam (Hindu). Featuring articles and downloads available on Hindu religion in particular and life is general.
शुक्रवार, 14 मई 2010
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh
First I bow to the elephant head Lord,
The destructor of all evils,
Mother Gauri’s son
Gajanan – Ganesh!
Secondly, I remember the Goddess Sharda,
Bearing the Veena and Veda,
The provider of knowledge -
Material and spiritual.
Thirdly, I touch the feet of Tridev
Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh
Manifested in the Pipal
The life giving tree!
Trees are truly the Gods
Brahma –
Giving oxygen & life
Vishnu –
Nurturing through roots, stem
Leaves & fruits
Mahesh –
Drinking all the poison
Killer gases emanating from factories
Buses, Cars & Scooters.
Worship through incense sticks
Burning candles and lamps
Would serve no purpose
Till we start worship of trees
Growing and protecting them!
--- Hemant Kumar Dubey
गुरुवार, 13 मई 2010
Calling again on the spirit of Rio
Calling again on the spirit of Rio
The world has changed enormously since 1992, when the leaders of world agreed to the blueprint for creating a sustainable way of life in the 21st Century - Agenda 21. It is a fact that many of the problems the world is currently facing have been on the international agenda since the Stockholm environmental conference in 1972. These problems have now become acute due to lack of action from the governments in implementation of their widely proclaimed commitments made during the many conventions, in treaties and declaration. The developed countries have done very little in helping the financially weak and developing countries in their movement towards environmental sustainability. This has also undermined developing countries’ own ability to make commitments and fulfill them.
UN Copenhagen Climate Summit in December 2009 was disappointing and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Doha, Qatar, from 13-25 March 2010 did not bring out much result. The solution to world's environmental problems through multilateral negotiations now depends on the success of Earth Summit 2012 to be held in Rio de Janeiro for a second time.
There are many serious challenges to tackle, a few of them are:
- Climatic changes: Climatic changes are becoming the out-of-control drivers of world’s economic and environmental crises. Natural calamities due to changing climate are now devastating the resources, and claiming more lives than ever before.
- Economic stability: The consumption based economics is threatening the economic stability of nations.
- Earth’s carrying capacity: Societies are living beyond the carrying capacity of the planet. Consumerism has made the poor poorer and put load on the limited resources of the earth besides increasing pollution.
- Implementation of agreements, treaties and declaration: The UN is not having enough resources and powers to monitor the implementation of environmental sustainability measures and enforce the international agreements arrived at conventions, in treaties and declarations. Governments of nations should provide more powers, resources and build the capacity of UN.
- Security vs environment: The security of life on earth is all the more threatened as the environmental changes are becoming devastating. The rate with which the species of fauna and flora are becoming extinct has increased over the years.
- Human Activity: Human activities that are causing pollution, deforestation, nuclear hazards, destroying the fauna, etc. must be checked and forestation, treatment of effluents before release in air or water must be promoted.
- Industrialization: Blind industrialization for social and economic growth should be checked. Green industrialization should be promoted. Technology should be utilized for sustainable development and should be made available by one nation to another, free of cost.
- Poverty elevation: One of the major challenges is poverty elevation without harming the environment. This may be achieved if the developed nations reduce their over consumption of natural resources and help the poor and developing nations in sustainable development.
Addressing the above would require a creative and ambitious agenda; and also a movement throughout the world to get it not only discussed and passed but also implemented.
The Earth Summit 2012 is a platform for the nations of the world to negotiate and resolve to co-operate for achieving a new deal which will help the present and future generations to live on earth. Let us call again on the spirit of Rio de Janeiro to provide a new impetus and revive the international co-operation which is very much necessary for environment and sustainable development solutions to problems related to poverty elevation and the global financial crisis.
Hemant Kumar Dubey
बुधवार, 12 मई 2010
Yashu - fighting for his life
Yesterday evening, 11th May 2010, we visited little Master Yashu once again at Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital, New Delhi to see his condition. In fact we are visiting him daily. Two days back when we visited him, he was very reserve and sad too. That day, when I took his photo from my mobile just to make him smile and feel good he didnot respond. We take eatables - packets of biscuits and cans of mango juice for him daily. We are also helping his family with little finances that we are managing from our family budget.

His father has donated 1 unit blood as the boy is not having enough blood to undergo surgery for removing of pus that has accumulated and is not coming out from the liver abscess. The pus has gone upto lungs also. He had two ultrasound scanning yesterday. The results are satisfactory according to doctors. Doctors are telling his body is responding to medicines and once surgery is over, may be today or tomorrow, he will be more better.
The parents are also more relaxed and happy with the treatment & promptness of doctors of Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital. They had undergone tremendous mental trauma in the past months. The occasional smile on their faces made us also feel happy.
Please pray for speedy recovery of Master Yashu.
God bless Master Yashu.
Hemant Kumar Dubey
http://www.hemantdubey.com/ http://www.ramcharitmanas.in/
शनिवार, 8 मई 2010
Prayers, blessings and help for Master Yashu
Yesterday, 7th May 2010 my wife came home from office with a request that I visit to Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital (popularily known as Safdarjung Hospital), New Delhi to see a boy about whom she had read in Navabharat Times' website. The boy was suffering from some disease and his parents have asked for help.
I along with wife and a family friend visited Safdarjung hospital at 8pm and met the boy and his parents. The boy's name is Yashu and he is just 3 years. He is ill for past several months. Earlier he was being locally treated at Jaunpur and Faizabad from where his parent Mr. & Mrs. Vivek Upadhayay come from. When his condition deteriorated his parents brought him to Delhi and with help of a relative got him admitted in Safdarjung Hospital. The Safdarjung Hospital's doctors told his parents that they should take him to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi if they wanted to save his life. The parent took him to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) little knowing that it is a private hospital having a very hefty fee structure. They had to deposit INR 25000 to simply get the boy admitted. The boy got treatment and showed some recovery but the hospital bill soared to INR 80000+ within a couple of week. Being a villager having little land and education only upto 8th Class the father Mr. Vivek was in no position to continue the treatment at SGRH so he somehow arranged money after selling little jewellary of his wife and mother and brought the back to Safdarjung Hospital(SJH).
When we got to know of his story when we met him, we met the doctor available at SJH for his advice. We were informed that the treatment would take long time and if we could find better hospital it would be good. Today we got him admitted in Kalawati Saran Hospital (a part of Lady Harding hospital for Children only), New Delhi. The treatment has started at this hospital and the parents are a bit relaxed now seeing the treatment and promptness of doctors here though the hospital is overcrowded with sick children (4 children on 1 bed).
We are very much moved by the pathetic condition of the child Yashu and his parents.
I had requested through Twitter also for prayers for this child. He is the only son of poor Mr. Vivek Upadhyay. Updates will be available at http://www.twitter.com/hemantdubey and through this blog too.
Please pray for the wellness of the boy, Yashu. He is suffering from liver infection & abscess. Please pray to God for his speedy recovery.
Hemant Kumar Dubey
बुधवार, 5 मई 2010
The World Peace - Global Think Tank
The World Peace - Global Think Tank
Read an interesting article by Shri Sher Singh Parmar by clicking the above link.
Read an interesting article by Shri Sher Singh Parmar by clicking the above link.
Musings about Twitter
Twitter - I had heard its name, known that it is a social networking site, but never tried to connect to people. It all changed one fine day thanks to an email from my friend Mr. Niraj Kumar Sahay. He sent me an email invitation and he being a very reliable and good friend of mine, I opened up an account with Twitter.
During the intial months I did not know what to write and how to connect with people. Even Niraj was not Twitting and we used to use email as media of communication. Then I saw unkown people following me. I treaded very cautiously and started following back and Twitting. I read about what people were saying and it occured to me that it would be better to share my knowledge and experiences through Twitter. I donot get much time to work on my PC at home so I started Twitting from my mobile phone whenever I got little free time.
I downloaded Mini Opera web browser for my mobile and it worked fine. I love my Nokia 5233 handset that I have recently purchased after my Samsung mobile handset started giving problems.
Over a period of 3 months my follower base has gone up 8 times. Now there are some 825 followers and I am enjoying the interaction with the people through Twitter. Some of my friends have also appreciated my contributions on Twitter by sending me emails. Thanks to them for boosting my moral.
Twitter is really a place where I get news about happening at lightening fast speed. The motivation provided by the people I follow is great and uplifts my mood for the whole day. The messages of my followers boost my moral and induces me to share more and more about God, religion, human relation, and other general topics.
Thank you Niraj for introducing me to Twitter.
Connect with me on Twitter.
With best wishes
Hemant Kumar Dubey
COP15 Copenhagen 2009
Read about the CPO15, the Copenhagen Accord and United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 by clicking the above link. Videos and pictures are also available relating to COP15.
Hemant Kumar Dubey
Read about the CPO15, the Copenhagen Accord and United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 by clicking the above link. Videos and pictures are also available relating to COP15.
Hemant Kumar Dubey
Official Google Blog: Seeing the forest through the cloud
Official Google Blog: Seeing the forest through the cloud
Read about what Google is doing for the conservation of forests on earth.
www.hemantdubey.com www.ramcharitmanas.in
Read about what Google is doing for the conservation of forests on earth.
www.hemantdubey.com www.ramcharitmanas.in
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