Yesterday evening, 11th May 2010, we visited little Master Yashu once again at Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital, New Delhi to see his condition. In fact we are visiting him daily. Two days back when we visited him, he was very reserve and sad too. That day, when I took his photo from my mobile just to make him smile and feel good he didnot respond. We take eatables - packets of biscuits and cans of mango juice for him daily. We are also helping his family with little finances that we are managing from our family budget.

His father has donated 1 unit blood as the boy is not having enough blood to undergo surgery for removing of pus that has accumulated and is not coming out from the liver abscess. The pus has gone upto lungs also. He had two ultrasound scanning yesterday. The results are satisfactory according to doctors. Doctors are telling his body is responding to medicines and once surgery is over, may be today or tomorrow, he will be more better.
The parents are also more relaxed and happy with the treatment & promptness of doctors of Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital. They had undergone tremendous mental trauma in the past months. The occasional smile on their faces made us also feel happy.
Please pray for speedy recovery of Master Yashu.
God bless Master Yashu.
Hemant Kumar Dubey
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